Saturday, December 23, 2006

Racism -- fact or faith?

The truth is, in today's America, intolerance is no longer tolerated.
By Shelby Steele, SHELBY STEELE, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, is the author of "White Guilt," published earlier this year.
December 23, 2006

FROM A POLICE shooting in Queens, N.Y., to a racially charged legal battle involving the Los Angeles Fire Department, from the self-immolation of comedian Michael Richards to the failed Senate campaign of Tennessee's Harold Ford, race is back in the news, bringing with it a batch of new and disturbing questions.

Is racism now a powerful, subterranean force in our society? Is it so subtly infused into the white American subconscious as to be both involuntary and invisible to the racist himself? A recent CNN poll tells us that 84% of blacks and 66% of whites think racism is a "very serious" or "somewhat serious" problem in American life. Is this true?read more

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